Monday 8 May 2017

Studio Brief 2 - Creative Presence

Studio Bones                                            Studio Madhouse                                          Studio Laika
For this studio brief we were required to seek out an industry practitioner or practice to base a report on. This will hopefully give us insight into the industry or tips on how to approach industries for when we graduate.

Studios I tried contacting with emails:

- Studio Bones
- Studio Madhouse
-Studio Laika
-Disney Studio

Animations I have seen and enjoyed from these studios:

Failed responses from Madhouse:

 Successful responses from Jon Turner, Director from Kilogramme:

Examples of animations from Kilogramme:

As shown by the only responses I got contacting studios will be difficult since I resorted to contacting studios I don’t know much about. The only response from a studio that I have seen various animations from (Studio Madhouse) couldn’t take a moment to answer a few questions in the first email I sent them. The second email I sent didn’t provide any help or relevance to my questions, besides directing me to their site for “updated recruitment” which I might try to explore. I might need to consider, join and use other forms of media in order to contact studios and practitioners which might have been my down fall as I only used emails and twitter and had to make do with responses from a studio I don’t follow. I might work on this over the holiday to see if I can get any responses, especially from the studios I am more interested in. However, studios like Bones will be difficult being a studio from another country as there was probably some language barrier if my emails didn’t reach them. Either I have to explore other more international studios or find a way to communicate with studios like Bones more effectively.

With the only response I got from Jon Turner, director at Kilogramme (a Manchester animation studio), I managed to get some insightful feedback. Similar to what I remember from Fraser Maclean’s experience of getting employed during his talk at LCA Jon said he looks “for a good showreel or portfolio”. This informs me as long as I present work an industry finds interesting I will find a place with no problem. However, I didn’t receive as much interesting and useful information. Either I have to specify my questions more effectively or come up with other questions of what I want to know and should know. This can be something I can work on over the holiday.

Jon also started informing me about the important stages “to be a character animator”. This tells me Kilogramme focuses on creating engaging characters, taking inspiration from the “Disney book ‘The Illusion of Life’”. Otherwise this is already information I am learning on the course since the start of my year and overall isn’t exactly useful for my learning process.

I need to find and contact other practitioners to see what they can tell me that I already don’t know, in order to explore my options when it comes to finding a career in the creative industries. What information and work I haven’t found out now and haven’t fully completed I will try to work on over this holiday.

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